Post workout opskrifter


/ After my morning cardio workout, I need to boost my energy. Efter min morgen cardio træning. har jeg brug for at booste min energi

7 Things That Burn Fat While You Sleep!

This is because of what is know as the after burn effect or EPOC (excessive post exercise oxygen consumption), which is the increase of metabolic functioning after a quick, intense workout


Over time, the ongoing use as well as poor posture can cause these muscles and their surrounding tissue to become shorter and tighter

Min træningsuge

The post Min træningsuge appeared first on sunderehverdag blog. Fullbody workout. Fullbody workout. Fullbody workout
Balancing Balance

Balancing Balance

But as written in this post, I find it essential to balance your to-do’s of the day with time for yourself

Pre & Post workout snack

Men Kagerne er glimrende alternativer som pre- og postworkout meals. I modsætning til den allerede eksisterende opskrift på havrekager fra Healthdane, så består denne kun af 3 ingredienser og lavet med henblik på hurtige pre- og postworkout meals
Den perfekte havregrød

Den perfekte havregrød

Jeg har tidligere allerede postet en et par opskrifter på havregrød, men jeg må nu erkende, at ingen af dem kan hamle op med denne her

Balle Fabrikkens Bootcamp Juni

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